lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022

[COSMOPOLITAN] .Safira.. Victoria Dress. Blogger Pack | [EQUAL10] LYRIUM. Violet Set. Blogger Pack | [#BIGGIRL] moxxi //. Elena Set. Megapack & SVP. Ciara. Blogger Pack | [KUSTOM9] FOXY. Miu hair. Blogger Fatpack


💟 On me (Right)
Set: .Safira.. Victoria Dress. Blogger Pack

🢆  English:
🔮 Mesh dress and panties
🔮 Color HUD to customize each part (22 colours and solid/flower version)
🔮 Compatible with: - Maitreya+Petite - Legacy+Perky+PushUp - Reborn+Juicy
🢆  Español:
🔮 Vestido y ropa interior mesh
🔮 HUD de color para customizar cada parte (22 colores y version liso/floral)
🔮 Compatible con: - Maitreya+Petite - Legacy+Perky+PushUp - Reborn+Juicy
🔮 Disponible en el COSMOPOLITAN EVENT
🟣 Marketplace
🟣 In-World Store
🟣 Event
Pose: LYRIUM. Violet Set. Blogger Pack

🢆  English:
🔮 Female bento pose pack
🔮 4 different poses (with the mirrored and curvy version) included
🔮 Static and breathing version
🔮 Posestand included with all the poses inside
🔮 Available at EQUAL10 EVENT
🢆  Español:
🔮 Pack de poses bento femeninas
🔮 4 poses diferentes (con la versión espejo y versión curvy) incluidas
🔮 Versión con respiracion animada y versión estática incluidas
🔮 Posestand con todas las poses dentro incluido
🔮 Disponible en EQUAL10 EVENT
🟣 Marketplace
🟣 In-World Store
 💟 On her (Left)

 Outfit: moxxi //. Elena Set. Megapack

🢆  English:
🔮 Mesh top, sleeves and skirt
🔮 Compatible with: - Maitreya+Petite - Legacy+Perky - Reborn+Juicy - Kupra+Kups
🔮 Color HUD to customize each part (12 solid colours and 7 patterned colours, on/off option for the sleeves)
🔮 Color HUD to customize the skirt (12 solid colours, 10 patterned colours, 2 belt options and 7 metal options)

🢆  Español:
🔮 Top, mangas y falda mesh
🔮 Compatible con: - Maitreya+Petite - Legacy+Perky - Reborn+Juicy - Kupra+Kups
🔮 HUD de color para customizar el top (12 colores lisos y 7 patrones, opcion on/off para las mangas)
🔮 HUD de color para customizar la falda (12 colores lisos, 10 patrones, 2 opciones de cinturón y 7 opciones de metal)
🟣 Marketplace
🟣 In-World Store

Pose: SVP. Ciara. Blogger Pack

🢆  English:
🔮 Female bento pose
🔮 3 different single poses and 1 duo pose included
🔮 Poseball with the duo pose included

🢆  Español:
🔮 Pose bento femenina
🔮 3 poses individuales diferentes y 1 pose de duo incluidas
🔮 Poseball con la pose de duo incluida
🟣 Marketplace
🟣 In-World Store

🔮 MOXXI & SVP items are available at #BIGGIRL EVENT

    🟣 TP to the event
Hair: FOXY. Miu hair. Blogger Fatpack

🢆 English:
🔮 Mesh hair and mask with choker
🔮 Brown, Blond, Essential, Grayscale, Natural ombre, Pastel, Red and Vivid HUDs included
🔮 Catwa, Genus, Lelutka EVOX and Lelutka EVOX small neck sizes included
🔮 Style tab included with hairbase on/off, mask and choker color HUD (8 colours and 5 metal options included) and materiales on/off option in the HUD 
🔮 Available at KUSTOM9 EVENT
🢆 Spanish:
🔮 Pelo mesh con mascara con choker
🔮 HUD de rubio, Castaño, Esenciales, Escala de grises, Mechas naturales, Colores pastel, Pelirrojos y Colores Vivos
🔮 Talla para Catwa, Genus, Lelutka EVOX y Lelutka EVOX con cuello pequeño incluidas
🔮 Pestaña de estilo incluida con opcion de base de pelo on/off, HUD de colores para la mascara y el collar (9 colores y 5 metales incluidos) y materiales on/off en el HUD
🔮 Disponible en el KUSTOM9 EVENT
🟣 Marketplace
🟣 In-World Store
🟣 Event

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