jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2022

| [WIP EVENT] V-Twins. Sakara Compete Outfit. Fatpack & B(u)y me. Selfconfident. Pose Set | [COLLABOR88] LYBRA. Drew. Full collection |


Set: V-Twins. Sakara Compete Outfit. Fatpack

🢆  English:
🔮 Top, panties and skirt mesh (Boots included at the Fatpack)
🔮 Color HUD to customize each part (12 solid colours & 4 metal options)
🔮 Compatible with: - Maitreya+Petite - Legacy+Perky+PushUp - Kupra - Reborn+Juicy
🢆  Español:
🔮 Top, ropa interior y falda mesh (Botas incluidas en el fatpack)
🔮 HUD de color para customizar cada parte (12 colores lisos & 4 opciones de metal)
🔮 Compatible con: - Maitreya+Petite - Legacy+Perky+PushUp - Kupra - Reborn+Juicy
🟣 Marketplace

🟣 In-World Store


Pose: B(u)y me. Selfconfident. Pose Set

🢆  English:
🔮 Female pose bento
🔮 6 different poses and mirrored version included
🔮 Posestand with all the poses included
🢆  Español:
🔮 Pose femenina bento
🔮 6 poses diferentes y la version espejo incluido
🔮 Stand de poses con todas las poses incluida
🟣 Marketplace

🟣 In-World Store


🔮 Both items are available at WIP EVENT

    🟣 TP to the event


Shoes: LYBRA. Drew. Full collection

🢆  English:
🔮 Mesh boots
🔮 Compatible with: - Maitreya - Legacy - Kupra - Erika
🔮 Color HUD to customize each part (30 different colours and 3 metal and sole options) 
🔮 Available at COLLABOR88

🢆  Español:
🔮  Botas mesh
🔮 Compatible con: - Maitreya - Legacy - Kupra - Erika
🔮 HUD de color para customizar cada parte (30 colores diferentes y 3 opciones de metal y suela) 
🔮 Disponible en COLLABOR88
🟣 Marketplace

🟣 In-World Store

🟣 Event

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